Thursday, December 30, 2010
Go Malaysia!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Falling Stars!!!!! A GREAT Song...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Totally AWESOME Day!!!!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Whip My Hair :D
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Living The Life In KK.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Blog Is Dying....
- Romana And Beezus
- Tron Legacy
- Burlesque
Monday, December 6, 2010
A Good Song Must Go With A Great Background!
- Hamena, Hamena, Hamena, (Spongebob Squarepants)
- They're platypus' they don't do much. (Phineas & Ferb)
- What Cha' Doin'? (Phineas & Ferb)
- That's all. O_O
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Epic Fail
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Social Networking.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Urge To Not Do Things At All
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Two Topics.....
Friday, November 26, 2010
Annoying Orange!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Funny Moments.....
- Thanks to Alifah for the new links!!!!!
- Who's updating Grace's blog??????
Saturday, November 20, 2010
OMG!!!!!! TV ROCKS!!!!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
I Am Loving This Song!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
It's Going To Be A Great Day!!!!!

Once again a new post arrives..... Today might just be the greatest day ever!!!!!! Cause it's my ______. Will be going ice-skating with my friends later!!!! So cool.... Then maybe we can go to popular and my cool hobby!!!!!! Love those two shops!!!!! Might edit later. Anyways, i am loving the new mac air that recently came out!!!!! It is super nice!!!! Heres a pic of it. Nice right!!!! For now it ends here....
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
UPSR Results....
Friday, November 5, 2010
OMG!!!!!! UNIQLO Is Open!!!!!
Well, as u all know UNIQLO was open yesterday..... I obviously wanted to go there yesterday but unfortunately when i went there it was CLOSED!!!!!!! Well, it's not like it was unpredictable... To the people who do NOT know bout UNIQLO, click here. That's the malaysian link but if u want to set it to another country u can always do that.
UNIQLO is at Fahrenheit 88 which is opposite Pavillion... Decided to go watch a movie there... (drumrolls) MEGAMIND!!!! Well, what the heck it was just opposite. The movie/story line was quite nice! It's something like, what's spongebob without patrick, tigger without pooh, dora without boots..... Here is the synopsis....
Megamind is the most brilliant supervillain the world has ever known - and also the least successful! Over the years, he has tried to conquer Metro City in every imaginable way. Each attempt, a colossal failure thanks to the caped superhero known as Metro Man, an invincible hero until the day Megamind actually kills him in the throes of one of his botched evil plans. Suddenly, Megamind has no purpose. A supervillain without a superhero. He realises that achieving his life's ambition is the worst thing that ever happened to him.
(credits go to GSC)
Continue-ing, I did buy something from UNIQLO... But it was nothing much cause they were promoting tinter wear... :( So all i bought was a jacket and some leggings. Th line to go into UNIQLO was like super long!!!! But luckily they were fast.... So i didn't need to wait so long. Well, that's all i wanted to say for now and that i like a song called ENCHANTED.... singer taylor swift.... Wanna listen to the song click here.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Jamuan Kelas!!!!!
No offence but it was really boring to me. Sorry to people who played cause i said that. But congratz to the winners. Anyway when they were playing we were enjoying the cool air in Bilik Muzik.... [Music Room] I have friends which can play pop songs on the piano so.... they played and we enjoyed the music. I wish we could stay upstairs when they were playing the games, dunno why.... Maybe cause i malas nak naik dan turun....
Okay let's continue with the title up there.... After the games we went up to get things ready... Cool!!!! We had two main dishes: Aiman brought KFC while Najwa bought Dominos!!!!! Me like KFC and Dominos... My favourite type of pizza: thin crust ; pepperoni!!!!!!!! Absolutely love it!!!!!! But the jamuan only started at 11 something cause we had to wait for the main dishes to come. Hazim brought lasagna... Quite nice! Well, i did not bring much but most people said it was nice....
I brought cute cupcakes!!!!!!! Well have no idea with the cute there... o_O Funny things happened too, like : Jeremy poured drink into a bowl.. and it was not filled to half, but to the top.. (of course not until overflow la) I was laughing hard!!!! Serene told me what sir Hafiz said, here it is;
"I like eating butterflies...."So funny!!!! Sounds really weird for a guy to say something like that. Well can't believe this post is so freaking long.... So here it is .... The ending. THE END. sorry for any spelling errors. and this post is sorta kinda mixed up with bm so... sorry to the people who do not understand...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Boredness Is Killing Me!!!!!!!
Life after UPSR might be fun but somehow it becomes boring after a while..... :( It's already a month after UPSR and the boredness is killing me (and my friends too...) This week is when the karnival sukan is held.... Sir Hafiz makes us sit down and watch them play but of course we don't watch the game. We either play a game of pictureka, monopoly deal, monopoly (snap version) and also a game of battleship.... I like battleship!!!!! But I have never won a game... :'(
UPSR results are also getting closer and closer.... Argghhhhh..... But as long as you did your best well you should be happy no matter what marks (or better said as grades) you get... Be happy!!!!! And great news to UNIQLO lovers!!!! UNIQLO is opening at Fahrenhiet 88 (used to be KL plaza) on November 4th.... + first 5000 customers gets free UNIQLO tote bags!!!! yay!!!!! Hopefully my post will be longer next time..... and hope to be posting (rather updating) more often now.... That's all for know.... Bye!!!!!
For more information visit visit it when ur free!!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today we did this banner thing at school..... I must say i didn't think it would turn out nicely.... But with the help of some good people it of course can be achieved!!!!! The theme for this banner is 1Malaysia.... Alifah drew the logo and i drew two hibiscus at the corner of the banner.... Never enjoyed my time painting before until today... I got to do it with my good friends!!!!
I was glad that there were reliable people that could help me... I was angry at Eaimman cuz he didn't really help at all!!!! Pity Sidharth because he was the only guy form 'the gang' that came.... Well he IS the ketua kelas right???? It's his duty.... The one that i'm quite happy that helped is Christopher... He was the one who helped us wash our brushes.... Without him we might have been delayed....
A big thanks to everyone who coorperated!!!! Let me tell you guys about our so called 'ketua'... Guess whoit is??? ..... ( drum rolls ) SHAWEENA!!! yay!!! (sarcastically) First she told alifah that she coudnt sit on the canvas in the end she herself also stand on the carpet... "DON'T USE PLAKA!!!!" Typical Shaweena...... We got mad at her for bossing us around.... Even Sidharth wasn't that bad u know.... Well that's all i'm gonna say for now... If Shaweena reads this don't feel offended.. And credits to those who drew the people... You guys ROCK!!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
You guys wanna know the meaning of ASHR??? I'll tell you... ASHR : Advance Student Honour Roll... Nevermind about what it really means... Let's make stories short... Since you all know Kumon is an institute from Japan.. People from Japan speaking english = FUNNY/HILARIOUS!!!!
No seriously they sound funny... Woudnt wanna say hilarious cuz it would be an insult... Wanna know why??? Wanna guess why??? Because of the way they pronounce english words... You need to be there to experience the funny-ness of how they pronounce the word!!!! Nothing much to say... But the funniest part is the part where they pronounce it right in front of you!!!!
My Version
Ex. Guy: Congratulations!!! ( Me: Smiling but obviously laughing inside...
Shaweena's Version
Ex. Guy: " + Keep up tha gud work!!!
Well juz wanted to share the funny-ness with you guys... Bye!!! (sorry for any typos)
Monday, October 11, 2010
What A Day!!!
We performed a song by Victoria Justice called make it shine. It is the theme song of VICTORiOUS!!! Nice song!!!! Love it... We kinda danced to it also sang... I must say it went out quite well. The dance steps were on short notice.... Anyway it turned out great!!! Arvinash & Adam were suppose to perform a song together... But change of plans since they coudnt decide which song to perform... They went around school asking O.M.G or Not Afraid... They kept on asking us until we got so fed up. So, Qian Yu went "Why don't you just sing Oh My Not Afraid!!!!" lol!!!Let's continue with the winners of this program... (drum roll)
The participants were called on stage... (scary moment for us) Miss Anny anounced the winners... At third place Arvinash Ranjan with Love The Way You Lie , at second place.... Benjamin Lee Fook Leng with Amirecan Pie.. (again!!!) and at first place!!!!! MY GROUP!!!!!!!
We were so happy when we found out it was our group!!!! Nadiah was practically screaming... We didn't expect us to win this time!!!! (not trying to show off) Well this post was probably posted to express how happy i am!!!! Ciao guyz!!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Talent Time!!!!!
Today was the day talent time was held. Talent time was hosted by Sir Hafiz.... (wats up with 'sir') Anyways, there weren't much prticipants.... Most fo the participants sang. There was also a one who yodelled... :Shaweena!!! Don't mean to be a critique (????) but here are my opinions... Afieq's performance was nice!!!! So was Fook Leng's... Anyone heard American Pie before?? Don't blame me if the name of the song is wrong.... Fook Leng must have reallty had the guts to do it. Aiman's one not so fantastic... (perasan betul aku ni!!!) Could not really hear him sing!
There was also the number one fan of Eminem and the guy who brought cluedo to school..... Arvinash & Adam, The Duo!!! They rapped Eminem : Not Afraid... Ok, ok la. But still they did not win!!! Nevermind let's head on to the winners..... at third place : Aliff (6 Arif) : Favourite Girl... (???) , second : A group of girls from Arif.. don't know how they won, man!!! All i heard was la, la, la... (mostly) and at first...: A girl i dont know!!!!!
Ignore that i really dont know that girl... Playing guitar to love story..... Coudnt hear guitar nor her voice.... My friends and I were suppose to take part BUT we were not ready so we eventually pulled out.... I can't believe that this post is so long!!!!!! Ciao!!!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Form 1????
Monday, September 27, 2010
UPSR is over!!!!!!
After the english paper, my mum brought dominos for me!!!! So yummy!!!! and my friends mum brought mcdonalds for their kids..... It was a fiest!!! Nothing much to say... Will start updating my blog from now cuz dont reli need to study anymore.... Yay!!! Ciao!!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya...
Well, this is all from me today, to all Muslims i wish you guys a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.
While to all the others, Happy Holidays! (Happy Studying too!)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Holidays Are Here!!!
But at least it's not so we got more time to prepare... I can't wait for it to happen at the same time don't want it to come. But we can't stop time.. Anyway, today at tuition i realized something that was really true...
"This is going to be the first time and also the last time to sit for it..."
True right!? I'm going to end it here because i don't really have much to say... Ciao...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Anyways it's just probably doing revision on what we have studied now... But i would be so happy once UPSR is over... I really wanna spend the whole 24.09.2010 with my closest friends at the mall... Well, this is all i have to say... BYE!!!! and good luck 4 ur UPSR!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Kris Allen Is Back With A New Song!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Best Month!!!!
In the Islamic calendar this month is th 9th month in the calendar. The name of this month is Ramadhan... This is the month where all the Muslims have to fast(berpuasa). Some people might think that fasting is really tiring but actually it's not. It might be tiring the first few days but after that everything goes fine.
This is the month where the ganjaran for good deeds digandakan. Well, that's all i have to say for now!! thnx Alifah for giving me support to finish my PAFA and the others that helped me too...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I finally found a way to make the links!!! Well it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!!! I'll add more people when I get to find their blog address'. For now it will just be this few... But don't worry!!! I'll add more people! I am just glad that my blog has progress from a quite kiddish one to something i kinda like!! Blogging is kinda cool! If only blogs have games!! Imagine that! So freakin' awesome! But for some people they think that blogging is something that you can't really handle... (NO OFFENCE)
I just wanna to wish all the Muslims Happy Fasting... (Selamat Berpuasa!) Wish me luck for PAFA tomorrow!! ;)
Thnx for now!!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hi Blog!!!!
I decided to write back in my blog after viewing my classmates' blogs.... then only i realised that my blog wasn't as nice as my other friends'... :( Anyways this to me is a step forward coz my blog wasn't as nice as it is now....
I just hope that this blog suits my age.... I hope to update it more frequently... although it ain't that much. And since this is my last year at S.K.B.J maybe we can all communicate through blogs... btw blogging is also a way to socialize, kinda like fb...
Anyways that's all i want to say for now.... so..... bye!!!!