Monday, May 5, 2014

The Little Things

Before you start reading the blog post, play the vid. :D (It's the song of the week by the way.)

Society has created so many unrealistic standards that most people think they need to reach in order to be cool. But what I want you to do right now is to just forget about those things for a second and just take a deep breath. Look at yourself, you’re still alive and going! I’m absolutely proud of you for making it this far in life already and here’s a hug for that! (just imagine a figure coming to hug you.) I think we constantly take things like these for granted and it really saddens me at times because you are absolutely beautiful already.

Another thing I noticed that happens too often in society is how we judge people way too easily. All of us do it at one point in our lives whether we realize it or not including me but there’s nothing wrong with it, doing it just proves that we’re all humans. We’re all flawed in a way and we can’t run away from our flaws. We’re not made to be perfect. I constantly see people getting bullied all over the world. The effect of words on a person is something that really amazes me. How simple words can create such an impact on a person.

I have seen so many people online who are just as insecure as we all are yet are in a worse situation. Anytime I see someone who wants to hurt themselves to make them feel better, I won’t hesitate at all to talk to them even if I don’t know them. God knows what they’ve been going through in their lives. It’s seriously amazing to see how much you can help them even though you think you’re not doing much. They’ll appreciate it, trust me.

So, this is what I want you guys to do. Since we have noticed how much words can impact a person, let’s put those words to good use. Compliment them. Shower those you think who deserve it with compliments. It’ll make their day.  They need to realize that they’re really worth it. Depression and self harm happens way too often nowadays that it’s time to do something about it. Hurting yourself is not okay. As human beings, living altogether on the same planet, and what more the same country/town/etc, we need to help each other out.

It could be someone who you’ve been friends with for a long time or someone you just met yesterday. Complimenting them will make them feel much better about themselves. Besides, the more you give, the more you get. When you compliment others, others will compliment you back. It will find it’s way back to you. If you think that girl is pretty, go up to her and tell her. If you think that guy is really nice although you’ve heard people trash talking about him, just tell him to never doubt himself about it.

It doesn’t just have to be compliments, let’s say you’re walking and you see someone who might need help, go and help them. You’ll realize that it doesn’t just help that person but you’ll feel good about yourself once you’re done with it. You’ll be able to feel the satisfaction of being able to help someone even if it’s in a small and discreet way. Living in a world where most people are rude all the time, little things like these always count.

Life is too short to take these things for granted. Before you know it, it all could be gone. You should always appreciate those around you especially your family and close friends. Friends are amazing companions besides your family members. To me, they’re like my second family. I’m proud to say that I’ve found many awesome friends who I’ve created such great memories with and I can’t imagine being in a world without them. Spending half of my life with them has molded me into the person I am today and I don’t think I would have made it this far if it weren’t for them.

Go on and make someone’s day by telling them something nice that you like about them. It’s always time to spread some love! Don’t force it, make sure it’s sincere. Also, don’t just stop at one person, continue the act and tell someone else a compliment in hopes that the person you just complimented will continue the act with another person. So the cycle goes on and on. If you’ve been feeling down for a while and you’re reading this, I want to tell you to not lose faith yet. Things do get better. Come on guys, let’s make the world a better place for you, me and everyone else. After all, it is always the simplest and littlest things that can make someone’s day. J