Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kris Allen Is Back With A New Song!!!

Kris Allen is back on radio!! Of course with a new song.. don't really like him but the song is NICE!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Best Month!!!!

In the Islamic calendar this month is th 9th month in the calendar. The name of this month is Ramadhan... This is the month where all the Muslims have to fast(berpuasa). Some people might think that fasting is really tiring but actually it's not. It might be tiring the first few days but after that everything goes fine.

This is the month where the ganjaran for good deeds digandakan. Well, that's all i have to say for now!! thnx Alifah for giving me support to finish my PAFA and the others that helped me too...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hi everyone!!!

I finally found a way to make the links!!! Well it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!!! I'll add more people when I get to find their blog address'. For now it will just be this few... But don't worry!!! I'll add more people! I am just glad that my blog has progress from a quite kiddish one to something i kinda like!! Blogging is kinda cool! If only blogs have games!! Imagine that! So freakin' awesome! But for some people they think that blogging is something that you can't really handle... (NO OFFENCE)

I just wanna to wish all the Muslims Happy Fasting... (Selamat Berpuasa!) Wish me luck for PAFA tomorrow!! ;)

Thnx for now!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hi Blog!!!!

Hi Blog and also a big shoutout to all the visitors of this blog!!! (especially my friends!!!)

I decided to write back in my blog after viewing my classmates' blogs.... then only i realised that my blog wasn't as nice as my other friends'... :( Anyways this to me is a step forward coz my blog wasn't as nice as it is now....

I just hope that this blog suits my age.... I hope to update it more frequently... although it ain't that much. And since this is my last year at S.K.B.J maybe we can all communicate through blogs... btw blogging is also a way to socialize, kinda like fb...

Anyways that's all i want to say for now.... so..... bye!!!!