Sunday, February 5, 2012

First for 2012.

Hi everyone! So yes, i'm back to blogging. Not sure how often it will be updated but at least there's something. I'll try to have a weekly update on everything, like school and stuff like that. I ALSO HOPE to improve on my writing skills here. I know my writing skills are quite bad but practice makes perfect right?

It's the 15th day of Chinese New Year now a.k.a the LAST DAY of Chinese New Year. I'd just like to wish everyone a very HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :D It's the last day to wish you guys so just thought i would grab the opurtunity to. I hope everyone has a prosperous new year. (:

2012... Well, it's been good so far. Glad to have friends which are always there for me. School? Well, it's fine... OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT WE HAVE A TEST THIS SATURDAY. But i take everything calmly, hope everything works out this Saturday. Can't believe that a month has already pass!!!! Enjoying the few days off right now. Really happy that there's quite a lot of holidays this month. But also really frustrated that almost every teacher that enters our class scolds us. Thanks to this certain person in class.

I think that will be all for now. Might be updating it again, sometime soon. After the event i'm attending this Tuesday. Thanks for reading this post. Till here, ciao. (:

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