Friday, February 18, 2011

Semper Veritas

If only this was applicable for almost every computer or laptop in the world!!!!!!!!! But unfortunately that won't happen. LOL. Anyways, wondering what semper veritas means???? In my book it says it means "stay true" but on the internet it's "true always?". But anyways i think it's the same meaning anyways.

There was this post which my dad told me about. It's bout Justin Bieber tuning BALD???? YES! BALD! B to the A to the L to the D!!!!!!!! Okay that was kinda awkward.......... Don't believer click here. If you missed it click here. Missed it again? Go find yourself! Okay. Anyways, it was found to be fake. The article said "it was just a stunt and justin bieber was wearing a bald cap". So there you go. He didn't really go bald. And yeah, imagine Justin Bieber turning bald.

Don't think i can write that much tonight. Hopefully i'll come back soon. With maybe something less bald. LOL. Okay la. Next time we'll talk bout something not celebrity-ish and bald-ish! I just can't stop it. Okay fine here's the link again. Thanks for reading my post. Ciaos.

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