Friday, March 1, 2013

Exams. ):

WAZZUUUPPPPP people of the internet! My school test is starting on Monday so i won't really write much today. As i promised, HERE IS ANOTHER BLOG POST. Couldn't stop thinking about the blog for the whole week. I hate how i procrastinate so much when its near the exams. ):

Also, why is the test on the FIRST week of March. Why can't we enjoy the first week then only sit for the exams. hmm. Just hoping that everything goes well. :D Anyways, saw a Mylo Xyloto vinyl in a music shop yesterday and it was so freaking cool. like omg. A VINYL FROM COLDPLAYYYYYY. Might have exaggerated a little bit on the Y's. hahahaha oh yeah, and i also wrote a story using all the idiom's teacher gave. >:D yeah, well me and my friends wrote pretty awesome STORYDIOMS. (story + idioms. teachers idea)

Well, since i can't write much i think i'm just gonna end this weeks post here. :D Hope you guys like it. See you next week! Till then, cheerio!

Song of the Week!

This isn't really the kind of music that i listen to but this song is just awesome! It's called Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. It's a pretty awesome song. CLICK!

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