Saturday, March 23, 2013

Holidays are HERE!

Whats up guys! Finally the last schooling week is over and i am sooo ready for this one week holiday. Another thing to be excited about is the launching of the first ever global talent competition (i'm pretty sure i got that wrong on so many levels) called The You Generation! It's a super dope competition and i really hope i'll be able to take part in it somehow.

They have just announced the first category for the competition and they are searching for a new presenter! I am still not sure if i should send in a video. I'm not even sure whether i'm good at presenting. *inserts awkward face* I'm just gonna wait for a week where the category is suitable for me. Then maybe i'll try out for it.

The last week of school is pretty normal. Nothing different about it. We continued painting our class and now it looks SUPAH DUPAH DOPE!!! Well, kinda... Watched Max's vlog and he is in the middle of a shoot for a pilot of a show (i don't know what show it is) on NBC (i think). xD Well, GOOD LUCK MAX!!! So happy for you. Also, there's this video of this little dude who gets punched countless times. But don't worry it's all fake. To be honest, the little dude really deserves a lil oscar (saw that somewhere in a comment and i totally had to agree with it).

Don't have much to say right now. Just wanted to mention about The You Generation cause seriously it's just such a big opportunity for me and my friend too. :D My google chrome browser is looking absolutely so fab right now. I also really hope that i'd get to hang out and meet up with my friends during the one week holiday. Like go watch a movie or something. That would totally be awesome. Sorry if my blog posts are getting lamer each week. Sometimes i run out of things to say. Anyways, the blog post ends here this week. Till then, cheerio!

Song of the Week!

This section is probably the reason why i'm willing to post every week even though i don't have much to say. The song of the week is... Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. Yes people, JUSTIN IS BACK!!! Go check the song out. It's been on my mind for like the whole week and i'm so glad that i'm finally able to share it with all of you. Stay supah dope guys! (:

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